When I was young, I used to pray for my future wife. I didn’t know who she was, but I knew she was out there, and God knew who she was. God knew who I would choose someday, and He knew who I was praying for, even when I didn’t.

Praying for someone we have yet to meet may seem normal to some. But to others, it probably sounds rather strange. After all, my future wife was a person I would choose, and I hadn’t chosen her yet. Could God really know who she was? And if God knew who I would marry, was I really free to choose her myself?

And here we run into a classic dilemma within the Christian faith. It’s where man’s free will intersects with God’s omniscience (His infinite knowledge). You may have heard of this dilemma before, as it’s a common objection to Christianity. Spelled out, it looks something like this:

Christianity says that people have free will and God is omniscient. If God is omniscient, then He already knows every action that I will ever choose. If He already knows this, then I am not free to choose something other than what He already knows I will choose. Therefore, people cannot have free will while God is omniscient.

If you are like me, thinking about this for too long will hurt your brain. After all, the line of reasoning seems to be logical. But it also contradicts two essential claims of Christianity. If this dilemma proves that God is not omniscient or that people do not have free will, it would greatly damage, if not completely disprove, Christianity (and I wouldn’t be a fan of that).

But I believe that this dilemma is not a contradiction at all. It’s puzzling, mind-bending, and even intimidating, but it’s not a contradiction. With a closer look at the argument, we’ll find that the argument simply does not hold water. Before we begin, let’s parse the argument out into parts.

Premise 1:  God is Omniscient.
Premise 2:  People have free will.
Premise 3:  If God is all-knowing, then He already knows every action that I will ever choose.
Premise 4:   If God already knows this, then I am not free to choose something other than what He already knows I will choose.
Conclusion: Therefore, people cannot have free will while God is all knowing.

We can accept premises 1 and 2 without concern. These are the claims of Christianity and the starting point for the argument. Right now we aren’t concerned with justifying these claims. Let’s move on.

Premise 3 is really a continuation of premise 1. For God to be omniscient means that He would know everything I did, everything I am doing, and everything I will do. If God does not know any of those three things, then He does not know all. So God must know my future actions with absolute certainty. Again, no problem here. Onward.

That leaves premise 4 (this is where the rubber hits the road). If God knows what I will do in the future, then I will not be able to act differently, because God has already seen the choices I will make. Put in other words: If I have a choice between A and B, and God knows that I will choose B, then I can’t choose A, right? (Dramatic pause) Or can I?

At this point, you might be thinking “What are you saying? If God knows you will choose B, then you can’t choose A. You don’t have a choice!”

I wouldn’t be so sure. To explain my reasoning, let’s look at a few types of knowledge.

Past Knowledge

You are driving home from work, anxiously awaiting the start of the football game. You pull into the driveway, plop on your sofa with a cold glass of soda and a bag of chips. Turning on the TV, you find that the game just ended. You missed it.

But you pull yourself out of your slump and (thanks to modern technology) find the game posted online. With a few quick clicks and the brief appearance of a loading bar, the game comes on and you are back in business. Whether the game has ended or not, you still don’t know the outcome. You sit and watch the game as if it were happening live.

Then the game ends, and the score is final. During the game, did the athletes have free will? If you answer no, then sports may well be played by robots. Of course they had free will! That’s why sports are so unpredictable. Athletes make their own choices freely.

Did the athletes have free will in the rerun that you watched, even though it was a rerun? After all, you were watching each choice after it was made. The athletes’ choices were finalized once they were made (hence the video will be the same every time you watch it), but the athletes still acted freely. Just because you watched it after does not change that.

“Now wait a second,” you object. “I didn’t know what would happen in the game. Anything could have happened for all I knew!”

Good point. So let’s change the story up a bit.

After missing the game you find it posted on the internet, and you begin watching, just the same as in the last scenario. Then the phone rings and you answer the call.

“Dude! Did you see that? It was a total shutout! I can’t believe the Jets crushed the Patriots! Oh, and the third quarter! Who could have guessed the quarterback would have ran with the ball on the first play! You would have…”

You hang up, crushed. Not only did you miss the live game, your (former) friend ruined it for you. In your pit of self-pity, you resolve to watch the game anyway. The quarterback ran with the ball on the first play of the third quarter, just as you knew he would. And the game ended exactly as you knew it would: a total shutout.

In the first example, you would have seen the game end the same way as it did in this example. But this time, you knew what would happen (at least the final score and a QB sneak). Could the outcome have been different this time? Of course not. The same choices were made, and the outcome was the same, regardless of how much you knew. Your knowledge of the outcome had nothing to do with the choices the players made during the game.

Let’s sum up what we know about past knowledge, and how it relates to free will: Knowledge of past decision does not take away the freedom of the decision. Put simply, if I know that you chose B yesterday, you still chose B freely. My knowledge of your choice didn’t limit your freedom.

“Okay, okay, I see your point. But you watched the game after it had ended. It is different if you would have known the results before the game. God knows everything before it happens, remember?”

Future Knowledge

It’s now time for an obvious question: If I know that yesterday you chose B, is it because you chose it? Or did you choose B because I know that you chose B? (I warned you it would be obvious).

“Duhh! You know that I chose B because I chose B. Any more questions, Dr. Obvious?”

Sounds good to me. Any knowledge of past choices that we have, we know because they were already chosen.

But would this hold true for future events? What if God knows one of your decisions in the future? Let’s use our A-B scenario again. If God knows you will choose B tomorrow, will you choose B because He knows you will? Or will He know it because you will choose it?

If you notice, this is the same obvious question we asked above, but set in the future. Is the answer so obvious now? No doubt, the rules get a little weird when we talk about the future. But I believe that the same is true of this question as in the previous: God knows what you will do simply because you will do it.

“Alright, that sounds poetic and all, but that doesn’t make a lick of sense. How can God know something that hasn’t happened yet? It’s impossible!”

In human terms, you are correct. Humans can’t know future events because they haven’t happened yet. But we need to look at one more attribute of God. Namely, He is the Creator.

God created everything. He created matter, energy, space, and time. And as the creator of all, He is not bound by creation as we are. For instance, God can see all of space at once (I might give myself an aneurysm if I even tried). This means that He is also not bound by time. Rather, He is outside of time. He can look at all of time and space at once. Everything is eternally present to Him, no matter when it happened.

This may sound difficult to imagine at first, but I believe that we can relate, in our own human way. Imagine that you are standing in the middle of a corn field that is covered in crop circles. You look around and see corn stalk all around, some standing, some knocked over. But you can’t really see any patterns. Now hop on a helicopter and fly one hundred feet above the fields. You would be able to see the patterns in the fields clearly from up there.

God sees all because He is not limited by space or time at all! He can see every inch of our world with clarity. He can see the big picture (like the pattern in the crop circles), or the minute details of smaller things. No moment is ever lost to God because He is not limited by time as we are. He can see every moment of our lives at all times, even before we live them.

Now let’s go back to our question: If God knew you will choose B tomorrow, will you choose B because He knows you will? Or does He know it because you will choose it?

Just like we know past choices because they already happened, God knows our future choices because they will happen. God sees your future decisions because He can see all of time at once. He is outside of time looking in. You will choose B tomorrow, and God knows that today. We are not forced to act as God knows we will. Rather, we make each decision freely as they come to us, and God knows exactly what we will decide each time, because He stands in eternity watching.

Final Thoughts

Let’s take a look at our original dilemma: “If I have a choice between A and B, and God infallibly knows that I will choose B, then I will have to choose B because God already knows that I will choose it.” Even after all of this discussion, the dilemma is still an intriguing one. I believe that is because it causes us to think about time and eternity in a way that we are not used to. It is like a fish trying to imagine living outside of water.

But there is no contradiction here. Knowledge of a past choice does not take away the freedom with which it was made. And similarly, God’s knowledge of a future choices does not remove man’s freedom to choose. To God, all things, past, present, and future, are forever present to Him. He knows what we will choose because He has already seen us make the choice. Man is free, and God knows all. 

So when I look at my beautiful wife now, I can know that God knew who I would marry, and that I was praying for her all along.


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31 responses to “Can Man have Free Will if God Knows the Future?”

  1. Philip Augustine Avatar

    I think you also need to look into Aquinas’ argument with free will and time. God is not acting in time with us so to speak because he is the creator of time. The creator must stand outside of time because it is a creation of the necessary being.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      Thank you for the comment! I agree, that would be a great source for this argument. Do you know where he teaches on the matter?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Philip Augustine Avatar

        It’s in the Summa Theologica ST. I, Q. 83, A. 1.

        First book Question 83 Answer 1

        It explains that God knows all things but it’s not only things actual but also things hat could be possible to Him and living beings. So because not all things have happened, some of these are future contingent to us; therefore, it follows that God knows future contingent things.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Philip Augustine Avatar

          I think this is where St. Thomas goes on to explain that if Free Will did not exist then it be silly to have punishments for crimes. Not a proof, but a bit of dry humor nonetheless.


  2. Maria Lang Avatar

    “Just like we know past choices because they already happened, God knows our future choices because they will happen.” This is great. Thanks for doing this, Eric. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      Thank you, Maria! I hope you enjoyed it!


  3. Jo Romani Avatar

    whew! Thanks, Eric You made me think!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      Thanks for the comment! I certainly had a good time writing the post. I hope you enjoyed it!


  4. Kristen Walker Avatar

    I so loved this! I felt like you were in my brain. I have had this “argument” with myself many times and gained a headache from it. I’ve come to the result that, I trust that God is who he says he is and I fully believe it, even though I do not fully understand it. As far as free will goes, just like your A and B, although God does know what choice we will make I think he knows the outcome whether we choose A or B, meaning, because of free will we COULD choose A or B and he knows the outcome. Great read! Totally look forward to more!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      Hi Kristen! Thank you for the comment! I have heard many people wrestle with this topic (myself included). I am glad to hear this post helped clear it up a bit.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. NoctuaKnight Avatar

    This is a really good discussion! I think I will have to reblog it for future reference.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoyed it! And I really appreciate you reblogging it!


  6. true12imam Avatar

    این که فردا این کنم یا آن کنم ** این دلیل اختیارست ای صنم
    (The thought), ‘To-morrow I will do this or I will do that,’ is a proof of the power to choose, O worshipful one;

    وان پشیمانی که خوردی زان بدی ** ز اختیار خویش گشتی مهتدی 3025
    And (in the case of) the penitence which you have felt for (having committed) an evil deed, you have been led (into the right path) through your power of choice.

    جمله قران امر و نهیست و وعید ** امر کردن سنگ مرمر را کی دید
    The entire Qur’án consists of commands and prohibitions and threats (of punishment): who (ever) saw commands given to a marble rock?

    هیچ دانا هیچ عاقل این کند ** با کلوخ و سنگ خشم و کین کند
    Does any wise man, does any reasonable man, do this? Does he show anger and enmity to brickbats and stones?



    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      Thanks for the comment! Is that text taken from the Qur’an?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. true12imam Avatar

        you’re very welcome my friend. actually it was a Farsi poem of “Molana” which originated from the holly Qur’an :

        al-Insan(3) إِنَّا هَدَيْنَاهُ السَّبِيلَ إِمَّا شَاكِرًا وَإِمَّا كَفُورًا
        (3) We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).


  7. Nacklo Avatar

    Your argument does allow for both free will and for God to know what we will do in the future but also throws up some interesting questions of its own. Thanks for the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. onthisrockweb Avatar

      I just realized that the first time I responded to you, it was in the general comments section, rather than a reply. I’m still getting used to the blogging… Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


  8. onthisrockweb Avatar

    Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you enjoyed it!


  9. Catholic Pilgrim Avatar
    Catholic Pilgrim

    God’s knowledge is infallible, but it doesn’t determine our acts. The Greek word Paul uses for “predestine” in Ephesians 1:5 is prooridzo, which means “to know or declare in advance.” What it doesn’t mean is “predetermine”. If God knows in advance something will temporally happen or someone will do something, that thing will happen or someone will do that something, because God cannot be mistaken. I can imagine, in a high degree of probability, an old, crippled lady on a packed bus with a heavy shopping bag in her hand accepting the offer of my seat. But she is still free to accept or refuse my offer. She doesn’t have to accept my seat just because I expect her to. She is free to decide for herself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eric Shearer Avatar

      Thanks for the comment! That’s interesting what you point out in the Greek. So “predestine” refers to a pre-knowledge, rather than a pre-dictation, of future events. Thanks for the insight!


  10. Catholic Pilgrim Avatar
    Catholic Pilgrim

    You’re welcome, Eric. Predestination and free will aren’t mutually exclusive. If they were, man couldn’t have been created in God’s image; nor could man even love God and his neighbour, which he is commanded to do if he hopes to be saved. God accomplishes all we do and all historical events by the “counsel of His will” (Eph 1:11). This means that God allows us to do what we do and events to happen even against what He desires all for the greater good. What God desires (antecedent will) is that all men be saved, and what God has decreed (consequent will) is that the wicked be damned or eternally separated from Him. I believe it was Thomas Aquinas who coined these two aspects of the Divine will in these terms.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. jason Yates Avatar
    jason Yates

    ok but before all creation he knew all things that would happened so therefore it is set up already for it to happen and by all means being on the outside of time does not matter of knowing something before it happen and then continually allow it to happen which he does takes away free will.


    1. Eric Shearer Avatar

      Hi Jason, this is really the heart of the question. Why does God know the future? Do you do things because God already knew you would do it beforehand? Or does God know it because He knew you would do it?


  12. Marian Catholic Avatar
    Marian Catholic

    Yesterday evening I noticed dark storm clouds rolling in from over the horizon. I thought to myself that it’s going to rain. Sure enough, it did rain shortly after, but not because I thought it was going to rain. My intuitive and experiential knowledge did not determine the rainfall.


  13. C Avatar

    I’ve had this response to this question and it is a stumbling block for the faith of a loved one, and when I said basically this the response was that if God created everything, how can anyone make choices if he created us and our minds and how our minds will work and the neurons and therefore if someone programs and designs a machine to either blink red or blue but the person who designed the machine had to set up before hand the method which the machine would work and therefore would be the designer and planner of all the machine’s actions. So if He created us and designed our minds, then… What? Is it that He made everything perfect in the first place but due to Adam’s sin in the garden then the materials and base creation he created became disorganized and broken? And he is not creating us as we are broken but the world is? But He knits us together in the womb? So He does create each of us? I trust Him, not the entire Bible because the Old Testament seems to have been altered and why did hehave them kill all the Canaanite children and animals? It’s not because they were ‘Nephilim’ which is a bogus answer I always get. Or tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. That seems wrong. Why did He create Satan and the Serpent? Are they the same being? Satan was a liar thief and murderer from the beginning and I don’t see how then Isiah about being a covering cherub could apply to Satan and is instead for the King or Prince of Tyre. I apologize for my lack of knowledge I have only been studying three years and don’t have exact verses memorized. How do I respond to this question to help my loved one’s faith?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eric Shearer Avatar

      Hello, that’s a great question. I’ve asked the same questions before. Fortunately, I found what I consider to be good answers. I’d be happy to share what I’ve learned from others. First, let me make sure I understand the situation clearly.

      The dilemma is: “If the material world follows fixed physical laws (the round ball will always roll down the flat slope) then how can I make decisions that aren’t “set in place” by the combination of chemicals and neurons firing in my brain? Won’t I always make the same decision if I had the same setup and environment?”

      Is that a fair summary of the dilemma your loved one faces?

      If I might ask, does your loved one believe that God exists? And does your loved one believe in the Bible as God’s word?


  14. Grant Johnson Avatar
    Grant Johnson

    This is a bs answer for such a question. “Because god can see past, present and future all at once free will exists.” Your example with a football game is ridiculous. That’s like saying a book’s ending could change even though god knew about it before it was written, while it was being wrote and after it was finished. The act of knowing by any being completely eliminates free will. That’s the definition of fate because we can’t choose the opposite of what god will witness, is witnessing or has witnessed it’s not possible. So where is the choice?


    1. Eric Shearer Avatar

      Hi Grant, I think what you are saying flips the order of causation. Do I know the outcome of a past event because I saw it, or did it occur the way it did because I of my knowledge? For a past event this is simple – I know what happened because I saw it. My knowing was caused by my observing.

      Then do my choices happen because God foreknew them? Or did God foreknow them because He observed them? My point in this article is the latter. If we posit that there is a God who stands outside of time and observes all actions (past, present, and future), then I don’t think this is a stretch to say that what caused his knowing our actions was our free choices. This works when we talk about past actions. When discussing a God who is outside of time, why wouldn’t the same order of causation apply to future events?


  15. Eric Shearer Avatar

    Hi Grant, I think what you are saying flips the order of causation. Do I know the outcome of a past event because I saw it, or did it occur the way it did because I of my knowledge? For a past event this is simple – I know what happened because I saw it. My knowing was caused by my observing.

    Then do my choices happen because God foreknew them? Or did God foreknow them because He observed them? My point in this article is the latter. If we posit that there is a God who stands outside of time and observes all actions (past, present, and future), then I don’t think this is a stretch to say that what caused his knowing our actions was our free choices. This works when we talk about past actions. When discussing a God who is outside of time, why wouldn’t the same order of causation apply to future events?


  16. daniel zelpher Avatar
    daniel zelpher

    the christian god creates people knowing full well they will go to hell someday. Also nothing a person does in one mortal life should justify an eternity of burning alive. so if god exists, he is sadistic and evil.


  17. Bekah Kyles Avatar
    Bekah Kyles

    Thank you so so much. My brother was really withering in his faith contemplating this topic and I think this I really going to help him.

    Liked by 1 person

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